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Data and products of the Canadian Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies (CANGRD)

CANGRD is a set of Canadian gridded annual, seasonal, and monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies, which were interpolated from stations in the Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data (AHCCD); it is used to produce the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin (CTVB).


How to access the data

This data is available on MSC GeoMet API / web services and on the MSC Datamart data server service.

An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is available. Example of a web map configured to display the CANGRD.ANO.TX_ANNUAL layer served by MSC GeoMet:


The end-user licence for Environment and Climate Change Canada's data servers specifies the conditions of use of this data.


The metadata of the Canadian Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies are available on the Open Government Portal

Technical documentation