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TOC > MSC data > Hurricane trajectories > Hurricane trajectories on MSC Datamart

Data of the hurricane trajectories

This page describes the data of the hurricane trajectories.

The Canadian Hurricane Centre provides files in shapefile format as part of the regular hurricane season forecast.

The files will allow users to plot the route of the storms forecast in a map system of their choice. There is four shapefiles (*.shp) formats that are produced and include each a 6-hour forecast bulletin when storms of tropical origin threatens or risks to threaten Canadian territory.

Hurricane tracks issued by the Canadian Hurricane Centre hurricanes are published on the MSC Datamart. This data is made available in experimental mode in order to offer users an opportunity to ingest and test the data in real-time. The service will be provided to the best of our ability but please note that there is a significant possibility of occasional unannounced interruptions and non-received from this experimental data service, up to new announcement.

Data location

MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as they become available. An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is also available.

The data is available via the HTTPS protocol. It is possible to access it with a standard browser. In this case, we obtain a list of links giving access to a shapefile.

You can find the shapefiles at:

where: * storm-name is the storm name in uppercase (e.g. 'BERTHA' )

April 30: the history is deleted

Directory and file name nomenclature


File naming convention is:



  • YYYYMMDD : Forecast issuance date
  • HHMM : Time in UTC
  • Z : Constant string, indicating Zulu time (UTC code name)
  • STORM-NAME : Storm name (e.g. BERTHA - hurricane, post-tropical, etc)
  • TYPE : Type of shapefile:

    • "pts" - The forecast locations (points)
    • "lin" - The line segments connecting forecast track points
    • "rad" - Contains forecast wind radii information (wind quadrants)
    • "err" - Contains information on track forecast error ("error cone")

File content

When querying the points (pts) shapefile, the contents of each column are given as follows:

Element Description
ADVDATE Forecast issue time YYMMDD/HHMM format (UTC)
BASIN Region - 'al' for Atlantic (always 'al' for Canadian Hurricane Centre)
DATELBL Label to use on a map
ERRCT Track forecast error radius in nautical miles which, when mapped, represents the zone/cone of average uncertainty in the track (storm centre) forecast
LAT Latitude of storm centre position
LON Longitude of storm centre position
MAXWND Intensity - maximum sustained wind in knots (nautical miles per hour). To get km/h, multiply by 1.84
MSLP Minimum central pressure in millibars
RXXYY Columns Twelve columns represent wind radii (R) in nautical miles for 3 primary forcast categories: 34 (34 kts gale-force winds), 48 (48 kts storm-force winds), and 64 (64 kts hurricane-force wind speed). NE, SE, SW, NW represent the 4 primary geographcal quadrants around the storm.
STORMNAME Same as in the filename - e.g. BERTHA
STORMTYPE Storm type at forecast issue time: TD = tropical depression; TS = tropical storm; HU = hurricane; PT = post-tropical
TAU Forecast hour from issue time. e.g. 48 = 48 hours / 2 days
TCDVLP Storm status at forecast time TAU (TD,TS,HU,PT)
TIMEZONE Local time zone reflecting geographical region of an active storm
VALIDTIME Time that the forecast at TAU hours is valid for. DD/HHMM format (UTC)

When querying the 'lin' shapefile, the elements have the same definition as in the 'pts' file.


If you have any questions about this data, please contact us at: ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca

Announcements from the dd_info mailing list

Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.