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Chronology of changes to the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS)

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Upgrade CanSIPS version adapted to the New High Performance Computing Infrastructure.

See details at this link

Wednesday July 3, 2019

Upgrade to Version 2 of the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS) at the Canadian Meteorological Centre

On Wednesday July 3rd, 2019, the Meteorological Service of Canada's Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) will upgrade the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS) to version 2. The major changes of CanSIPS in this upgrade are in the forecast component:

  • The CANCM3 global coupled model is replaced by newer and better performing GEM-NEMO couped model.
  • The CANCM4 model is upgraded with improved sea-ice initialisation.

A technical note with more details on this change is available at this link.

Tuesday June 21st, 2016

Upgrade to the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS) at the Canadian Meteorological Centre

On Tuesday June 21st, 2016, the Meteorological Service of Canada's Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) will upgrade the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS).

In this upgrade the 3D ocean analyses used by the ocean model in CanSIPS will now come from the Global Ice Ocean Prediction System (GIOPS) 2.1 and will replace the NCEP GODAS ocean analyses previously used.

A copy of the official note announcing the implementation of these changes is available at this link.

Tuesday July 23 2013

Adjustments to the ocean temperature analysis (GODAS) feed for CanSIPS

Between July 16 and July 23 the feed of the GODAS analysis into the CanSIPS model was interrupted. A number of actions were undertaken to restore this feed. As a result, access to the (correct) daily GODAS analysis was restored on 23 July, with importation of the correct analyses dated 17-21 July 2013. It was anticipated as of 23 July 2013 that the normal sequence for importing and assimilating GODAS data would resume on 24 July 2013.

Thursday December 1, 2011

The Canadian Meteorological Centre starts using CanSIPS: Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System

On Thursday December 1 2011, CMC started issuing forecasts using its CanSIPS system, a newly developed global coupled seasonal prediction system for forecasting monthly to multi-seasonal climate conditions.

With CanSIPS, Environment Canada will be able to issue seasonal climate condition predictions for lead times out to one full year thanks to a seamless physically-based prediction system; this represents substantive progress with respect to the previous system. CanSIPS can also skillfully predict the ENSO phenomenon (El Niño-La Niña/Southern Oscillation) and its influence on the climate up to a year in advance.

The development and the implementation of this multi-seasonal forecast system is the result of a close collaboration between CMC and the Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis (CCCma).

By using CanSIPS operationally, Environment Canada maintains its position amongst leading international organizations producing such long-range predictions. MSC is also contributing to the multi-model ensemble forecasts produced by WMO and the APEC Climate Centre.

Initially no additional products will appear on MSC's monthly and seasonal forecast page (see link below) but the accuracy of existing products are now improved by using CanSIPS. Products from CanSIPS will be available on the first day of every month at this web site. New products will be introduced as part of the upcoming phase 2 of this project.

A copy of the official note announcing the start of the operational use of CanSIPS is available by clicking here.

A technical note providing more detail on the CanSIPS system is available by clicking here

Information on CanSIPS and its products is also available at the MSC public web on monthly and seasonal forecasts available by clicking here.

Information is also avaialble in the CMC Product Guide at the following links: Monthly forecasts page and also on the Multi-Season forecasts page.