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Data and Products of the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System

The High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS) carries out physics calculations to arrive at deterministic predictions of atmospheric elements from the current day out to 48 hours into the future. Atmospheric elements include temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, humidity and others. This product contains raw numerical results of these calculations. Geographical coverage of the system is most of Canada. Data is available over specific areas in the MSC Datamart and the whole coverage is available in the MSC GeoMet web services. Data is available at a horizontal resolution of 2.5 km. Data is available for 28 vertical levels. Predictions are performed up to four times a day.


How to access the data

This data are available on the data server services MSC Datamart and the web services MSC GeoMet respectively:

An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is available.


The end-user licence for Environment and Climate Change Canada's data servers specifies the conditions of use of this data.


The metadata of the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System are available on the Open Government Portal

Technical documentation


The chronology of changes to the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS) is available here.