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TOC > MSC data > Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence > Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence on MSC Datamart

Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence data in GRIB2 format

This page describes the Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence data available in GRIB2 format.

Data address

MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as they become available. An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is also available.

The data is available using the HTTP protocol and resides in a directory that is plainly accessible to a web browser. Visiting that directory with an interactive browser will yield a raw listing of links, each link being a downloadable GRIB2 file.

The data can be accessed at the following URLs :

where :

  • HH : Model run start, in UTC [00, 06, 12, 18]
  • hhh : Forecast hour [001, 002, 003, ..., 048]

A 24-hour history is stored in this directory.

Technical specification of the grid

Table lists the values of various parameters of latitude-longtitude grid :

Parameter Value
ni 500
nj 325
resolution 0.02° x 0.03°
coordinate of first grid point 45° 30' N 71° W

Data specifications

The fields in the GRIB2 data set for the two components of the system are made available on a latitude-longitude grid of 500 x 325 (with 0.02 x 0.03 degrees of resolution). The list of fields made available in GRIB2 format are :

Variable Description System
UGRD Zonal component of wind at diagnostic (surface) level [m/s] Atmospheric
VGRD Meridional component of wind at diagnostic (surface) level [m/s] Atmospheric
TMP Sea surface temperature (between 0 and 5m) [Kelvin] Oceanic
ICEC Ice fraction Oceanic
ICETK Ice thickness (averaged over model grid cell) [m] Oceanic
UICE Zonal component of Ice speed vector [m/s] Oceanic
VICE Meridional component of Ice speed vector [m/s] Oceanic
UOGRD Zonal component of the surface ocean current [m/s] Oceanic
VOGRD Meridional component of the surface ocean current [m/s] Oceanic
WTMP Sea surface temperature [Kelvin] Oceanic
ICET Ice surface temperature [Kelvin] Oceanic
ICEPRS Vertically integrated ice internal pressure (or stress) [N/m or Pa x m] Oceanic
ICESTG Vertically integrated compressive ice strength [N/m or Pa x m] Oceanic

File name nomenclature


The files have the following nomenclature :

  • File name for the atmospheric data : CMC_coupled-rdps-stlawrence-atmosphere_latlon0.02x0.03_AAAAMMJJHH_P0hh.grib2
  • File name for the oceanic data : CMC_coupled-rdps-stlawrence-ocean_latlon0.02x0.03_AAAAMMJJHH_P0hh.grib2

where :

  • CMC : Constant string indicating that the data is from the Canadian Meteorological Centre.
  • coupled-rdps-stlawrence-ocean : Constant string indicating that the data is from the Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • latlon0.02x0.03 : Constant string indicating that the projection used is latitude-longitude grid of 500 x 325 (with 0.02 x 0.03 degrees of resolution).
  • YYYYMMDD : Year (YYYY), month (MM) and day (DD) of the beginning of the forecast.
  • HH : UTC run time [00, 06, 12, 18].
  • Phhh : "P" is a constant character. "hhh" is the forecast hour [001, 002, 003, ..., 048].
  • grib2 : Constant string indicating the GRIB2 format is used.

Example of file name :

  • Atmospheric data : CMC_coupled-rdps-stlawrence-atmosphere_latlon0.02x0.03_2015011200_P048.grib2
  • Oceanic data : CMC_coupled-rdps-stlawrence-ocean_latlon0.02x0.03_2015011200_P048.grib2

These files originate from the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) and contain the data of the Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice forecast system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence using a latitude-longitude grid of 500 x 325 (with 0.02 x 0.03 degrees of resolution). The forecast has been produced on January 12th 2015 at 00Z (2015011200) and contains the 48 hour forecast (P048) in GRIB2 format (.grib2).


These variables are only available for the surface level.

List of variables

Warning: the tables below are not up to date (to come), some variables are missing. Feel free to contact us for more information.


If you have any questions about this data, please contact us at : ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca

Announcements from the dd_info mailing list

Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.