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Regional Ensemble Wave Prediction System (REWPS) Data in GRIB2 Format

This page describes the data of the Regional Ensemble Wave Prediction System.

Data location

MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as they become available. An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is also available.

The data is available using the HTTPS protocol and resides in a directory that is plainly accessible to a web browser. Visiting that directory with an interactive browser will yield a raw listing of links, each link being a downloadable GRIB2 file.

The data can be accessed at the following address :

where :

  • HH : Model run start, in UTC [00, 12]

A 24-hour history is stored in this directory.

Grid technical specification

The REWPS data are available on the Great Lakes domain.

Image de la grille du SRPEV

This table lists the values of different parameters of the REWPS grid:

Parameter Value
ni 550
nj 365
resolution 0.0224° x 0.0310°
coordinate of first grid point 41.0984° N 92.4790° O

File name nomenclature


File names have the form:



  • YYYYMMDD: Year, month and day of the beginning of the forecast
  • T : Time delimiter according to ISO8601 norms
  • HH: UTC run time [00, 12]
  • Z : Time zone (UTC hour)
  • MSC : Constant string indicating the Meteorological Service of Canada, source of data
  • REWPS : Constant string indicating that data is from the Regional Ensemble Wave Prediction System
  • DOMAIN : String indicating which domain the data is from [Great-Lakes]
  • VAR : Variables included in the file
  • LVL : Vertical level [SFC for the surface]
  • grille : Horizontal grid type [LatLon]
  • resolution : Indicating resolution in degreee in latitude and longitude direction [0.0224x0.0310]
  • PT{hhh}H: Forecast hours based on ISO8601 norms. P, T and H are constant character designating Period, Time and Hour. "hhh" is the forecast hour [000, 003, 006, ..., 072].
  • grib2: constant string indicating the GRIB2 format is used

Example of file name:


Variable List

This table provides, for each GRIB2 parameter number: a short description, an alphabetical abbreviation, the levels available for the parameter, and measurement units.

GRIB2 discipline/category/parameter number Parameter description Abbreviation Level Units
10/0/3 Significant height of combined wind waves and swell HTSGW SFC m
10/0/34 Peak wave period PWPER SFC s
10/0/28 Mean zero-crossing wave period MZWPER SFC s
10/0/46 Peak wave direction PWAVEDIR SFC degrees true
10/0/4 Direction of wind waves WVDIR SFC degrees true
10/0/5 Significant height of wind waves WVHGT SFC m
10/0/35 Peak period of wind waves PPERWW SFC s
10/0/53 Mean wave direction of first swell partition MWDFSWEL SFC degrees true
10/0/47 Significant wave height of first swell partition SWHFSWEL SFC m
10/0/65 Peak wave period of first swell partition PWPFSWEL SFC s
10/0/54 Mean wave direction of second swell partition MWDSSWEL SFC degrees true
10/0/48 Significant wave height of second swell partition SWHSSWEL SFC m
10/0/66 Peak wave period of second swell partition PWPSSWEL SFC s


If you have any questions about this data, please contact us at : ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca

Announcements from the dd_info mailing list

Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.