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Chronology of changes to the Regional Ice and Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS)

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Upgrade to Version 2.1.0 of the RIOPS adapted to the New High Performance Computing Infrastructure.

See details at this link

Wednesday July 3, 2019

Implementation of Version 2.0.0 of the Regional Ice and Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) at the Canadian Meteorological Centre

On Wednesday July 3rd, 2019, the Meteorological Service of Canada's Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) will implement the Regional Ice and Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) to version 2.0.0. With this upgrade RIOPS will also switch status from an experimental to an operational system.

The major changes in this implementation are summarized as follows:

  • Addition of an independent oceanic data assimilation component which replaces a spectral nudging technique.
  • Extension of the domain to the North Pacific.

A copy of the official note announcing the implementation of these changes is available at this link. The technical specifications document of the RIOPS 2.0.0 is available at this link.

A technical note with more details on this change is available at this link.

Tuesday June 21st, 2016

Implementation of Version 1.1 of the Regional Ice and Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) at the Canadian Meteorological Centre

On Tuesday June 21st, 2016, the Meteorological Service of Canada's Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) will implement the Regional Ice and Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) to version 1.1 with an experimental status.

The major changes in this implementation relative to the pre-existing and experimental Regional Ice Prediction System (RIPS) are summarized as follows: * Addition of a 3D oceanic component (NEMO-CICE) with tides. * Nudging at large spatial scales of the Global Ice-Ocean Prediction System (GIOPS) analyses during the pseudo-analysis step, prior to the forecast step at 00 UTC. * The forecast starts at 00 UTC from the pseudo-analysis and inserts the last available ice concentration analysis. * Addition of AVHRR data to the ice concentration analysis.

A technical note with more details on this change is available at this link.